Every outcome is the result of executing an appropriate plan. We have a developed a thorough process that will help us guide you along your path to independence. Whether your situation requires Comprehensive, or Component Planning, we always follow the same process. Every client receives the same experience.

Introductory Meeting

This can be Zoom or In-person.  This will give us a chance to see one another, ask questions, and really to just determine if working together will be a good fit. If we decide to move forward, you will sign an advisory agreement to engage our services.

Data Gathering

After our get acquainted meeting, we will send you a link to our online data gathering tool for you to complete as well as a link to a DropBox folder for you to upload your financial documents.

Discovery Meeting

Together, we will review the data that you completed and uploaded, your goals/objectives, your current financial situation, and begin to formulate possible recommendations.  Can be Virtual or In-person and usually takes about 60 minutes.

Financial Analysis

We will use our financial planning tools to analyze your current financial situation and create recommendations based on sound financial planning techniques.

Strategy Meeting

We will meet with you to review our analysis and recommendations. This can be virtual or in-person and usually takes about 60-90 minutes. May also be broken into two meetings depending on complexity and schedules.


If you’d like assistance in implementing our recommendations, you may engage our investment management services to manage your accounts. In addition, we are also able to assist with your life, disability, long-term care, and Medicare Advantage & Supplement insurance. We will receive compensation for these services and products.

Review and Monitor Progress

If you engage or investment management services, we will provide ongoing oversight and management of your accounts.  We monitor the accounts that we service on a quarterly basis.

We use MoneyGuidePro to analyze and create our financial recommendations.  You can receive access to the Snapshot so you can stay up to date on your progress.