Married with Children

After 12 years of marriage and 4 children, Joe and Elaine are ready to turn their late-night financial discussions around hopes and dreams into a real strategy. They want to assist their children in getting the best education possible while still making memories of a lifetime with their children. They also want to be prepared to financially assist extended family without sacrificing funds for their retirement.
For families in this situation, we can work together to create some structure around what is most important to them and create the framework for a financial plan that would get them started down the path to financial independence.
Some examples of changes we may recommend in this situation include consolidating several investment accounts to reduce overlap of investment strategies, increase funding for college expenses, utilize tax strategies to maximize their Roth funds, set aside funds monthly specifically for family vacations.

Preparing for Retirement

Jeff has just changed jobs and needs help investing the funds in his former employer 401k plan. We could help Jeff and his wife Anita with a comprehensive financial plan, and set up an IRA to help manage his prior employer retirement funds.

When Jeff and Anita retire, we can assist them with creating an income stream to supplement other income sources.

Married with Charitable Aspirations

Tony and two of his co-workers left their employer to start their own company. The company was an immediate success and gave Tony and his wife Jill the freedom to travel and enjoy many adventures that they had been postponing for several years.
After running the company for several years, Tony sold his ownership. He and Jill now have the time to focus more of their attention on the aspects of their financial plan that they were most excited about: charitable giving. They had amassed a sizeable estate of cash, real estate, and other investments. They want to get started on distributing their wealth while living.
In this scenario, we may recommend a combination of cash gifts, donor-advised funds, and a charitable remainder trust (CRT). We can work with Tony and Jill and their tax and legal professionals to implement these strategies, and to balance their current income needs, tax savings, and charitable giving.


Roger and Christy both recently retired and have their home of 30 years on the market. Their plan is to move out of state to be closer to their grandson who needs some additional care.
We could help them develop a bucket strategy to generate income to supplement their pensions and social security benefit. They could use the additional income to aid in the care of their grandson as well as traveling to visit with their other children. Spending time with the ones that they love the most is their definition of freedom and independence.